Welcome to Hockey Stat Tracker.

All those years of tracking your team's shots and stats on paper are over. Now you can do it faster and more accurately on your iPhone, iPod or iPad.

Timed Stat Tracker:
Timed Stat Tracker allows you to quickly and easily track time based stats such as time of possession, time in offensive zone, time in defensive zone, etc. Reports contain graphs over time to show the progression of your team. Available on iOS and Android devices.
Timed Stat Tracker

Team Shift Tracker:
Team Shift Tracker tracks shifts and playing time for as many or as few players as you wish. Reports contain detailed information per player and graphs that allow you to easily compare players. Available on iOS and Android devices.
Team Shift Tracker

7/12/11: Android Version Released. Look for Hockey Stat Tracker on the Android Market.

Thanks to Mike Larson for all the help with the requirements and testing for this new app!!

Note: You can migrate your settings from the Lite version to the Paid version and to and from the iPad versions. However you can't move settings between Hockey Shot Tracker and Hockey Stat Tracker.

Email me at: hockeystattracker@gmail.com with any questions, issues or suggestions.

Monday, March 7, 2011


There are three types of reports available: Player, Game and Team. All reports are accessible by hitting the report button on the main page. Reports can be zoomed and panned using standard iPhone/iPod two finger pinch and one finger drag...

Player reports simply give the season statistics for a given player. From the report page hit the Player button. You will be asked to select a Season and Team. Once this is done you will be given a list of Players. Select the player you are interested in and a report of their statistics will be generated and displayed. By hitting the compose button in the top right corner of the screen you can create an email that will have PDF and CSV attachments of the report.

Player Report

Emailing report with PDF and CSV attachments

Game reports are available by hitting the Game button in the Reports page. You will be prompted to select a Season and Team and then given a list of games that team has played. Simply select the game you are interested in and the Game Summary will be generated. The summary includes:

- Goal totals per period and game with a breakdown of Goals, PP Goals and SH Goals.
- Shot totals per period and game with a breakdown of Shots and Missed Shots
- Images depicting the shots taken in each period for both your team and the opponent.
- Game statistics for all of the players on your team.

Hitting the compose button on the top right corner of the screen enables you to send a PDF of the game summary via email.

Team reports are available by hitting the Team button in the Reports page. You will be prompted to select a Season and Team and then given a list of Reports to choose from. There are two main report types - Team Stats and Team Record. Team Stats reports contain player statistics. Team Record reports contain the Team's win/loss record plus various other stats (GF, GA, etc).

For both Team Stats and Team Record reports you can choose how you want to look at the data:
1) Summary - gives data for the entire Season
2) Opponent - you will be prompted to choose an opponent and the report will contain data for only games against the selected opponent.
3) Home/Away - you will be prompted to choose Home or Away games and the report will contain data only for the type of game you choose.
4) Game Type - you will be prompted to choose League, Playoff, Exhibition or Tournament and the report will contain data only for that selected type of game.

Selecting the compose button in the top right corner allows you to email a PDF and a CSV file with the contents of the report.

Team Statistics Report

Team Record Report


  1. I have preloaded the next 10 games with opponents, locations etc but to save them I had to push start and then done. Problem here is that app thinks we have played these games so stats are wrong averages. How do I fix this without losing game location, opponent and date details? We haven't had our first game yet this season

  2. The games I loaded haven't started yet but I couldn't figure out how to save them without starting them and then pushing done. When we actually play the game I will just push resume to begin. How do I get these games out of the system for stats that calculate averages?

  3. any hints on how to print these reports. the ones with the rink are huge pdf pages that get shrunk down to letter size and are not usable. if I zoom into the reports to print, the resolution is too low and also not usable. These reports seem like they are only good for viewing on the screen.

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Why will the full version not download? My lite subscription has run out.


  7. is this available anymore, where can I get a copy
